
标题: 景百孚 完善企业管理制度 [打印本页]

作者: rosaly    时间: 2012-12-31 12:19
标题: 景百孚 完善企业管理制度

企业管理制度是实现企业目标的有力措施和手段。它作为员工行为规范的模式,能使员工个人的活动得以合理进行,同时又成为维护员工共同利益的一种强制手段。 因此,企业各项管理制度,是企业进行正常经营管理所必需的,它是一种强有力的保证。景百孚 优秀企业文化的管理制度必然是科学、完整、实用的管理方式的体现。  景百孚 企业管理制度大体上可以分为规章制度和责任。规章制度侧重于工作内容、范围和工作程序、方式,如管理细则、行政管理制度、生产经营管理制度。责任制度侧重于规范责任、职权和利益的界限及其关系。一套科学完整的企业管理制度可以保证企业的正常运转和职工的合法利益不受侵害。  景百孚 企业管理制度的制定要依照企业自身的实际情况进行,制度的目的是让企业更加高效、稳定的运行,但由于每家企业在行业、组织结构、人员结构等各方面都存在着差异,所以世界上没有任何一个管理制度适用于所有的企业。  景百孚 在制定企业管理制度的时候,要遵循以下几个原则:  1.要严格依照法律、法规和规章制度的原则  2.坚持从公司实际出发,认真调查研究  3.坚持民主集中制原则
  景百孚 企业管理制度的执行,是企业管理的实践者。景百孚 他们既有联系又有区别:制度是文件,是命令;执行是落实,是实践;制度是执行的基础,执行是制度的实践,没有制度就没有执行;没有执行,制度也只是一只空壳。景百孚 所以要想贯彻落实企业管理制度还需做到以下几个方面:  1、需要加强企业管理制度和执行所设的内容在员工中的透明度。员工是企业管理制度落实到位的主要对象。如果员工连遵守什么、怎样遵守都不明白或不完全明白,就是没有目的或目的(目标)不明确,后果将导致公司制定的管理制度流产。企业管理制度是员工在工作中不可或缺的一部分,制度遵守得好坏,取决于员工的工作态度和责任心。景百孚 如果员工把平时的工作表现和制度执行的好坏程度分开来衡量自己是不恰当的。景百孚 因为制度和工作在性质上不可分,是相互联系和依存的。制度遵守得好,工作起来就好,就顺心,没有压力;反过来,工作上的每一次过失和失误,大多是不遵守制度、遵守制度不彻底而引起的。因此,遵守企业管理管理制度虽然提倡自觉性,但同时不能忽略强制性,对少数员工实行罚款、辞退、开除等执行措施是很有必要的。  2、企业管理管理人员在制度和执行上应做到"自扫门前雪"。管理人员有宣贯公司管理制度的义务和责任,制度的拟定者和执行者都应把心态放正,不要渗杂个人感情在制度中。景百孚 同时要杜绝一问三不知。在企业管理制度的执行上对执行者要做到相互监督,落实,要防止陷进"一根烟、一杯酒、你我大家是朋友"的工作怪圈,这非常不利于企业管理制度的执行。  景百孚 企业管理制度执行本身就具有强制性的特征。没有过硬的强化手段,有些刚建立的企业管理制度就是一纸空文。一般地讲,制度的制定,来自于基层,也适应于基层,为基层服务。因此,建立持久的强化执行方案是完成管理制度最有效的方法。当一种企业管理制度,经过一定阶段强化执行后,它就逐渐形成了一种习惯,甚至可以成为一种好的企业传统发扬下去。 景百孚  企业管理人员应有好的决心,才有好的制度执行力。老板杂志表示:优秀的领导应从宏观角度去监督指导企业管理制度执行的程度,随时检查纠正,调整执行方案、执行方法,不断完善企业管理制度,推动公司制度的执行在干部、员工的行为中的深入度,坚持用诚实可信、勤恳踏实的务实敬业作风去感化和影响自己的下属,为自己的工作服务,为企业服务。

作者: wkits34w7k    时间: 2013-4-20 19:27
标题: http://mbtvendita.webs.com/999362846732
I finally decided to take a break from the hectic schedule of life and enjoy a nice long vacation. When I asked around, lot of my friends suggested that the Bahamas would be an excellent option. I narrowed it down to the capital of Bahamas and its largest city. I found several airline deals from various travel agents and even on line,http://mbtvendita.webs.com/. I knew that this was a nice option and started finding out about it,http://mbtscarpe001.webs.com/.
After I found cheap airfares tickets I realized that I should grab the opportunity and see the place, everybody keeps praising so much. While I was reading about the town’s history I found out that it was once burned to the ground by Spanish and it was after being rebuilt that it got its present name.One of the major attractions for tourists has always been the beautiful weather and the geographical positioning of the place. The marvelous city is directly behind the port area .The temperature is always tolerable and throughout the year, tourists keep flooding in. The winter temperature is a comfortable 21 to 26 degrees and in summers the temperature rises up to around 32 degrees. Flights to Nassau like British Airways is easily available all around the year, since the place is also ideal for tourists to visit and enjoy themselves.
The city’s urban structure is symbolic of its growth and development over the years.
I had an amazing time in the downtown. Tourists from all over the world can book  to and have a great time in downtown .Not only does one get to enjoy the beauty and climate, there are several great places to hang out, eat and shop. There are several boutiques and shops which offer a high variety of goods.The city also a history of pirates and the museum in downtown is a good place to get a closer look at this part of their history. I had an amazing time in this museum, the Pirates of Nassau museum,mbt scarpe.
Since I had done research well and the winter vacations were also coming up I booked cheap tickets to Nassau during the time of Christmas and also got to celebrate the beginning of the New Year in the mood and spirit the great city’s festival. Each year people of the city along with visitors from different places celebrate their main festival, Junkanoo on 26th December and the 1st of January.The festival is full of colors and energy. People wear costumes, dance and participate I parades, enjoying themselves to the fullest.

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